
10 psychological signs confirm that you are "sex addict"

Sex is in itself a double edged sword that either makes you a sane person who enjoys your life as it should be, or makes you an addicted person suffering from lust that affects your behavior, so Dr. Taghreed Saleh offers a psychiatrist, 10 signs of sex addiction We discover them in ourselves until we start the treatment journey without ignoring.

- Frequent viewing: If a person is used to watching pornographic movies non-stop is one of the signs of addiction.

- The use of secret habit: also resort to masturbation on a regular basis daily signs of sexual desire.

- Excitement at any time:
 A person suffering from sex addiction can be raised at any time and anywhere without any calculations.
- Desire towards anyone: the same thing almost a person who suffers from sexual disorder moving his desire towards any individual and not motivated by love but motivated by sexual pleasure.

- Permanent talk about sex:
We note that the man who loves sex is always talking about him, whether scientifically or publicly, always sneaks into some sexual phrases.
- Stay away from romance:
This person is a sex maniac who does not know romance as a way. He can not accept simple things like kisses and hugs as a sign of love, but the whole relationship is his primary goal.
- Not content with intercourse:
If that person is married, he is not satisfied with intercourse alone, but he sometimes resorts to pornographic films, masturbation or repetition of intercourse.
- Permanent thinking of pleasure:
This person is not occupied by the pleasure of the person in front of him but what matters only is his personal pleasure during the relationship.
- Love everything that is new:
Also not only the natural relationship but is always searching for new forms may reach the pleasure required.
 - Sex Stuff for Lazar:
  Even in times of joy and humiliation, his speech is not without sexual inspiration.

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